Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Just a Little Update on Yours Truly :)

Hey Guys long time no post! lol I apologize for that I have been so busy with work and I just got back from my mini vaca at the Beau with my beau but I finally have a moment to post something YAY! So I guess I should update you guys on whats going on in my life right now hmmm where to start.. I met a guy about five weeks ago and he's pretty much amazing to me, he treats me with the utmost respect and every time I turn around he is spoiling me with something and I'm not even sure if we are a title yet. But that doesnt stop him from going completely out of his way to make me smile and I'm loving and appreciating every second of it. But aside from the little treats, we have so much in common and we share the same dreams and wants in life. He owns his own businesses and thats what I want to do, he loves to travel.. me in a nutshell, he even loves Disney... do I even have to explain this? lol And although everything is moving so fast, as far as making future plans and asking me if I'd be willing to move to Atlanta, I honestly feel like this is the turning point in my life I have been praying for, this is the person I have been praying to God about and this is what makes all the pain and heartbreak I went through with the others worth it. I believe this is my reward, my promise from God and man is it beautiful. I know it may be too soon to be saying all of that and I am aware that I could be completely wrong and that it might not work out with us but I cant deny my intuition about all of this and I will never know unless I take a chance so thats what I'm doing until something inside me tells me not to. 

Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a   matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.

                               - William Jennings Bryan

Also, I know i keep saying I'll have my video up by a certain time but like I said I have been really bus and a lot is going on right now not to mention the technical difficulties I'm experiencing with this one, the audio and video are completely out of sync for some reason so now i have to figure out how to fix that but hopefully its easy to fix and I can get it up before christmas.. haha! thank you for reading and thanks so much for all your support and sweet words I really appreciate it and they never go unnoticed! Wishing you guys a wonderful and safe Fourth of July with your families, talk to you soon, lots of exciting things to come so stay tuned lovelies! :)