Monday, January 27, 2014

Let me Live that Fantasy...

Hi guys and dolls! I hope you are all doing well and your 2014 is off to a great start! I feel as though I'm still stuck in 2013 waiting for the ball to drop metaphorically in my life. But I do have a better outlook on life right now and a kick ass song that helps me stay positive when I feel my thoughts swerving to the left; "Be optimistic! Don't cha be a grumpy! When the road gets bumpy, just smile! Smile! Smile! And be happy! Haha! Lately I have been stressing out over winning this trip to NY Fashion Week, I literally have not put down my phone but I thought I'd try to take a break and get my mind off of it by sharing my other current short term goal with you,  apartment living. I know this may sound weird and I could possibly be contradicting myself but I have always dreamt of what it would be like to live in my very own apartment in a big city. I am constantly imagining how it would look, how I would decorate it, what meals i'd cook in the kitchen once a week, I even dream about cleaning it... yeah I know, I'm strange! 

Below are my favorite apartment looks and inspirations I'm keeping in mind when I do get one. 


Exposed Brick

I absolutely LOVE how exposed brick looks against stark white walls. Alone they're very ordinary to look at but when married in the same space they add so much charisma and romanticism to the room. At least thats how I view them.

Feminine Decor:

I am such an girly girl at heart! No matter how dark or crazy my fashion is or becomes I will never cease to come apart at the sight of ruffles, tufts, pastels and lace haha. here's some ideas of how I would decorate the bedroom and living room, just imagine it next to the white walls and exposed brick oh I DIE!

Love this look for small office section, I can already feel the inspiration to write!


Oh my gosh my obsession with balconies has existed ever since the age of twelve  when I took my first trip to New Orleans. I will have one where ever I decide to move to it is a must and a deal breaker for me entirely.

I realize that this is a very large balcony and not a realistic idea of one I would get but I just love the  cozy couch with lots of pillows and the stringed lights, so much inspiration!

 I love the idea of taking a balcony and turning it into a sanctuary like space. I could see myself out here, cup of coffee in hand and just typing away on my mac while the hustle and bustle of the city sings beneath me mmm delicious!

Thanks for reading as always! Love and appreciate your support! I hope you enjoyed my little obsession post have a great day and smile at a stranger, you never know who needs some positivity today :)