Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hey ya'll okay as of right now my really nice cannon rebel xs is broken so Ive been
having to use my iphone as my camera :( So I apologize for the low quality pictures
on my blog right now but I promise you as soon as can, I will upload pretty, good quality
pictures and it wont hurt your eyes to look at my blog! Well it wont hurt as bad.. :p
Also considering I just started this blog oh lets see.. last night haha so I ask you to please
be patient with me and show some love and support because I'm really new at this
blogging thing and I'm kind of like a little kid on the first day of school, nervous,
not sure how to go about things or where to go and missing my mommy
(ok not really) but I think you get the jist of what I mean lol Oh and if youre wondering
why theres a random cute picture of Eva in this post its because I just thought my blog
needed a little fabulousness and its a good quality picture to break up the crappy ones :p
Send me some love, feedback, stories or criticism I welcome any of those with open arms :)

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