Friday, December 14, 2012

New Concept for My Closet Sale!! and a little catching up on my life

Hey guys! I hope your week  is being good to you! So if you follow me on instagram or twitter or youre friends with me on facebook, you saw that I was getting ready to have another closet sale but that I was going to be trying a new concept. Well I finally added the finishing touches last night and I am excited to share with you my very own online store!

Introducing my online store, Second Hand Glam! :)
Okay.. so I'm using a another website to host it so its not my own domain or website from scratch but it does have a name that I created on the site and in the url address as well so basically its mine! :p Anyways I recently discovered a website called StorEnvy which if you havent heard of it, is pretty much the love child of ebay and etsy. Its very similar to both yet not the same because unlike etsy where everything sold is homemade or hand crafted, you can also sell things that youve worn or even items that youve purchased for the sole purpose of reselling them for a higher profit. The only thing about storenvy is that its not as widely known or as popular as ebay or etsy which doesnt bother me because I have an exclusive (exclusive meaning local) group that buys from me so I dont need a lot of advertisement or a larger audience so to speak, I just need a place to keep everything organized and easy way to ship to those friends who are not local. Ahh me and my rambling I'm sorry lol Any who thats my big announcement, its up and running and ready for you to shop :)

Now onto the harder not so exciting part...

I have been keeping something to myself for awhile because one, I cant help but feel embarrassed and two I try not to expose every detail of my life online but this is something that is affecting my blogging performance and future posts I had planned to keep consistent so it has to be said. I recently got let go of from CK Collection and haven't been able to find work since. Now I know I speak for everyone when I say no matter how you lose a job whether it be from being laid off or because of something you did wrong, it still leaves you feeling embarrassed distraught and hopeless. I may not have done anything wrong but I am still experiencing the shame and embarrassment of being suddenly unemployed especially right before the holidays.

 So thats why I havent posted about shopping hauls and I wont be able to until I find a new job, and its also why I havent done any what I'm wearing posts in a while because I dont have the money to go places like I used to. I am having to save every penny I've got so clubbing, going shopping, lunch with the girlfriends etc has to happen far and few between right now. I have been able to do the bare minimum such as birthday parties because well that's a given, they're my friends and no matter what happens I'm always going to be there for them. That also brings me to the blog giveaways I'm dying to do and the gifts I promised to give to those who have been so kind to leave me supportive comments on my posts. I wont be able to do those until I find a source of income and I have no idea when that will be sadly :( 

So yeah probably the most depressing post yet but I had to let you guys know why my blog has been so impersonal lately and why I havent done any blog giveaways or gifts, I just cant afford it right now.
However I am staying at the Beau Rivage this weekend because my mom has free rooms so I will post about our mini getaway but as for the outfits and shopping posts, there wont be many if any for awhile I'm sorry guys but as always thank you so much for reading, I very much appreciate it and your support. Please feel free to go check out my store, I'm hoping in time to extend it to selling unique things I find in thrift stores or something like that but for now its just stuff from my closet some new things and some old but all gently used I promise you, I'm not like Plato's Closet lol wishing you guys a great weekend and happy shopping! :) xoxoEm


  1. so sorry to hear about your job! i'm out of work at the moment as well and empathize...hope you find something you like just as well soon~*

  2. Awh thanks girl i appreciate that and I'm sorry youre going throught the same thing :/ but thank you for reading and I wish the same for you! :)
