Friday, May 31, 2013

My First Shopping Haul Video! :) (Love Culture, Forever 21, Charlotte Russe, Guess)

Hey guys! I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day, I know I did because I got to go on my friends boat which I've been waiting to do for months! It was good to see him and the weather could not have been more gorgeous!

Everyone I'd like you to meet Minnie's boyfrann, Dutch! He is my friend's yorkie and he is the coolest little dog! We took him on the boat with us and he just had the time of his life! I snapped the cutest picture of him napping in my lap on the way back<3

Any who, I mentioned that I was trying to create a shopping haul video in my previous post and I'm happy to report that the upload was successful! But before you watch it I need to point out a few things about the video, one it is my first video so be kind please. No rude or abrasive comments, they will not be tolerated ever. Second, let me go ahead and apologize… I didn't realize how loud the music on my phone was toward the end of the video so it's a little distracting and hard to hear what I'm saying but it's only the very last parts. Also I realize I say the word cute every five-seconds. That wasn't intentional its just one of those words you don't realize you're saying so much such as; like, umm, uhhh lol Luckily none of those words were abused in the making of this film haha. And lastly I realize that I do not look my absolute greatest in this video.  I resemble a school teacher and my nails are less than presentable but in my defense, I wasn't sure if it would actually upload and follow through with the whole process. But hopefully my glasses and scarce make up wont scare you away lol. However this is just a one time thing and my next video I will be and look more prepared for filming.


I didn't realize it was going to be so short I honestly thought it was going to be more than ten minutes because of how much I talkkk lol But like I said, it's my first video and I'm still trying to get a hang of it my videos in the future will be better. Well, I hope you found it entertaining, I think it shows my personality to a T as well as my attention span haha. Thanks for watching and please let me know what you think of it and if you would like to see more videos like this or outfit videos or whatever just let me know! Wishing you guys a wonderful weekend and a great friday! XOXO EM<3

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