Sunday, May 26, 2013

Summer Trends That I Love Right Now: Turbans, White pumps, Bold Stripes OH MY!

Hey guys! I hope your memorial weekend was good and for those of you still celebrating I hope it has been a blast so far! I just got back from Destin today and aside from a really bad Crohn's episode today I had a wonderful time away with my parents. Any who, summer is coming up and yes I know what you're thinking.. "how is summer coming up its already hot as crap outside!" Well, I hate to be technical but Summer doesn't officially start until June. However, that's not stopping the trends from popping up everywhere and I say there's no harm in going ahead and preparing your wardrobe for it either :) So here are some of my favorite trends for summer right now.



Jumpsuits arent really a new trend they've been going in an out of style since the sixties but there's no question about it they are undeniably in this season! I love jumpsuits they are so comfy and you dont need much to complete the outfit. Forget about rummaging through your closet to find that top the goes so well with those skinny jeans, just throw one of these one and you are ready to go! Effortlessly chic with minimal brainstorming now that I like ;) not to mention all the styles, colors, and designs to choose from, I guarantee you will find the one or in my case ones, to fit your style or mood! :) 

Just in case you have no idea where to find one here's some stores that carry them:

 FOREVER 21: Cheapest

LOVE CULTURE: Affordable

ZARA: Pricey


 This is definitely the first time I've seen these worn as a fashion accessory. Maybe I dont get out much or maybe I just havent been looking for them but whatever the case may be they have got my full attention now! I love these little beauties! I first saw it on miss Kourtney and knew I had to have one so I went on ebay (my favorite place to shop) and they had them in all kinds of colors for only $2.95 with $2 shipping! I thought it was just too good to pass up so I bought one in white and I'm so excited to see what outfits look cute with it, pictures coming soon! :)


This is what I like to call a yoyo trend it might not be whats hot one year but next year it could be all the rage. One thing is for sure though, it will never be acceptable to wear them after labor day so dont even try it! Haha honestly I do and I may get stares but hey if the shoe makes you feel fabulous.. rock that b***h! :)


This has to be one of my most worn trends I love stripes!  I have about ten striped maxis, a striped maxi skirt, striped shorts you get the picture lol And this season the bolder the better! Black and white is classic but if you are feeling adventurous try going with bright color combinations.


Another trend I'm seeing everywhere is the flower halo's. I honestly love this look its very bohemian yet feminine so its not too far out of my comfort zone. If you're like me and get bored with wearing your hair down this perfect for you! It adds instant chicness to any look! I tried finding these on ebay but honestly you will save money by pulling a DYI might do a post on that soon! 

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it and hopefully found it informative. I'm sorry it took a couple more days than I had hoped to post this one but I came across some difficulties while trying to post it. I had it all typed up and ready go so I could just publish it from my phone but it never updated the current one like I thought and only after posting it did I realize the old content so I just deleted it without thinking thus deleting all the content I was going to keep as well as the whole existence of the post. So I ended up having to rewrite it and now here we are lol Whew! thought I'd never get through that explanation haha.

But any ways these are just some of the trends we'll be seeing in summer I assure you there will be lots more but these are just the ones I know I'll be sporting :) I would love to hear about or even see some of the trends you're rocking so feel free to send me pictures sporting your favorite summer trends and I'll spot light you personally on my blog! :)
Also, I know I told you guys about my shopping haul post coming up and it still is but I'm actually trying to make a video of it instead of a written post. I tried this last year and it did not work out because I had the wrong format but this time I have a macbook and I movie maker so we shall see how it goes. I'll be sure to keep you updated on it though! Well I think I've chattered enough for all of us now haha I hope you have a great week and please let us not forget the true meaning of tomorrow, its not just an excuse to have a cook out and get drunk lol Give thanks and keep our veterans, troops and their families in your thoughts as well as your hearts. Happy Memorial day weekend everyone! 
Send your pictures to 

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