Thursday, May 2, 2013

Packing for Disney :)

Hey guys! It's been awhile and I apologize for that but I have been so busy with work and getting things ready for my trip while still making time to hold onto commitments made to friends so blogging has been the very last thing on my to do list and it is quite a list. Any ways, I wanted to do a post on what to pack for Disney and instead of using pictures, because lets face it that would take forever! .. I'm just going to make this a checklist. Like I said in my last post, this isnt my first rodeo when it comes to Disney I have been many times but I still have to make detailed check lists and I mean DETAILED. If I could sum up my myself in two words it'd be list maker, I make them all day everyday. However I'm not going to post my version because I want this one to be user friendly. Now, lets get started! So we all know the essentials such as clothes shoes under garments but what about the things we over look or just don't think to bring? Well, no worries I have remembered it for you! You may not need all of this but its just to give you some ideas if you're racking your brain on what to bring or to remind you of some items you might've overlooked. Feel free to copy or print this out for your trip to Disney :)



  • Magic Kingdom outfit
  • Epcot outfit
  • Hollywood Studios outfit
  • Animal Kingdom outfit (keep in mind that this is the hottest park as well as wettest so make sure to pack an outfit that is going to keep you as cool as possible but something you dont mind getting dirty or wet)
  • a dressy outfit for dinner or a night out in downtown Disney
  •  a set of workout clothes (in case the place you're staying at has a gym)
  • at least 2 sets of pjs
  • at least two swim suits and a cover up, (its just polite when coming and going from the hotels)
  • Underwear: depending on how long youre staying and if you have a washer and dryer available, I'd pack at least 5 pairs of underwear for each person going, I'm weird and like to change mine a lot so I packed 12 pairs lol 
  • robe (if needed)
  • Bras: I always bring two regular, one sports bra and one strapless just in case you bring or buy something that needs to be worn with a strapless
  • a track suit or warm up suit just in case the weather is colder at night (you never know! its going to be in the high 80's during the day but in the sixties at night while we are there)
  • a pair of flip flops
  • comfy sandals to walk around the parks in (this is optional if you are like me and cant walk around all day in sneakers or tennis shoes)
  • dressy shoes for dinner or a night out in downtown disney
  • a pair of sneakers (mine are only for working out in)
  • a couple pairs of socks 
  • belt (cant tell you how many times I needed one of these and didnt bring one!)
  • jewelry

  • Straightner, hair dryer, curling iron etc
  • hair brush
  • hair ties and bobby pins
  • hairspray
  • hair brush
  • dry shampoo
  • shampoo and conditioner
  • body wash
  • face wash
  • make up
  • make up remover
  • Deodorant (please dont forget this!)
  • razors
  • shaving cream
  • tooth paste and toothbrush
  • dental floss
  • chap stick preferably one with sunscreen in it (another must for me!)
  • perfume
  • Body lotion (I love the new Vaseline spray and go so quick easy and leaves your skin feeling smooth and moisturized not to mention its fun!)
  • eye mask (if needed, its a must for me!)
  • contact case and solution (if you wear them) 
  • nail clippers
  • nail file
  • nail polish *optional* (I like changing the color on my toes but its good to bring for any chips or needed touch ups)
  • nail polish remover
  • tweezers          

  • bottles
  • regular diapers
  • swim diapers
  • baby wipes
  • baby food
  • sippy cups
  • blanket/toy
  • bibs
  • diaper bag
  • pack n' play (available in WDW resort rooms by request)
  • stroller
  • car seat
  • car window shades (if you dont already have them in your car)
  •  Disney toys (I suggest you go to walmart or target and load them up on disney toys and take them around to the parks with you because you are not going to want to buy them while in Disney so expensive!)
  • a couple extra outfits in case of accidents while in the parks
  • pre bought costumes
  • hats
  • toothbrushes
  • kids toothpaste
  • shampoo and conditioner
  • body wash 
  • insulated cooler (to keep formula, baby food cool)
  • pacifier and pacifier holder

  • bottled water
  • coffee
  • sugar/sweetner
  • tea bags
  • creamer (non dairy if you don't have a fridge in your room)
  • juice boxes
  • microwave popcorn
  • granola bars
  • cookies
  • on the go snack packs
  • tv dinners (only if you have a fridge in your room)
  • microwaved breakfast items (only if you have a fridge in your room)
  • chips/pretzels
  • portion sized cereal boxes
  • milk (only if you have a fridge in your room)
  • pop tarts
  • sandwich meats (only if you have a fridge in your room)
  • bread
  • peanut butter and jelly
  • travel salt & pepper
  • dish soap (for kitchenettes and condos only)
  • dish sponge (for kitchenettes and condos only)
  • paper plates
  • paper towels
  • plastic utensils
  • plastic cups
  • sandwich size zip lock bags
  • trash bags
  • tea pitcher (optional)
  • coffee maker
  • coffee filters
  • a couple coffee cups
  • gum
  • corkscrew and wine stopper (optional)

  • GPS/directions/map
  • proof of auto insurance
  • guidebooks
  • flashlight
  • wet wipes
  • paper towels
  • portable cooler
  • trash bags
  • umbrellas
  • snacks
  • drinks with a screw on top or small juice boxes
  • pillows
  • blankets
  • portable DVD player (if your vehicle doesnt have one)
  • headphones
  • DVDS
  • books, magazines
  • coloring books
  • crayons
  • Cd's or iPod
  • dramamine (for car sickness)

  • hotel confirmation
  • rental car confirmation (if you have one)
  • boarding passes (if you need them)
  • cash/ credit cards
  • dollar bills for tips and tolls
  • drivers license
  • notepad
  • insurance cards
  • guidebooks
  • membership cards (AAA, DVC)
  • theme park tickets (take pictures of them with your phone incase you happen to lose them)
  • pens

  • prescription medications
  • mole skin (for blisters)
  • Band- Aids
  • anti biotic ointment
  • anti itch gel
  • aloe vera
  • sunscreen for face and body
  • antacids
  • birth control (if needed)
  • pain medicine
  • kids pain medicine
  • dramamine
  • midol (if needed)
  • sinus/ allergy medicine
  • vitamins
  • cough drops
  • eye drops
  • pepto bismal tablets
  • insect repellant

  • theme park tickets
  • drivers license for each adult
  • cash/ credit cards
  • membership cards
  • meal confirmation numbers
  • guidebooks
  • park maps
  • cameras 
  • cell phones
  • a couple bottles of water (refill as you go)
  • non perishable snacks
  • autograph book
  • 1 towel (to block the sun or save a spot at parade or clean off seat)
  • mini first aid kit
  • pen for getting autographs
  • rain ponchos or umbrellas
  • mister fan & extra batteries (great for the kiddos)
  • mole skin
  • pain medicine
  • sunscreen
  • chap stick
  • insect repellant
  • hand sanitizer
  • wet wipes
  • large zip lock bags (for wet clothes)
  • dry change of clothes for the kiddos
  • glow sticks (for the kids at night parades)
  • pennies for pressing (optional)
  • small bottle of bubbles (for waiting in lines or at parades)
  • deodorant
  • body spray
  • hair ties
  • bobby pins
  • safety pins
  • extra pair of shoes
  • swimsuits for the kids
  • dramamine or sea bands ( for motion sickness)
  • antacids
  • pepto bismal tablets (for upset tummies)
  • pins for trading
  • kids ID tags
  • hats
  • fast passes (again take pics in case you lose them)
  • candy

  • at least two pairs of sunglasses (never know when you might lose or break one)
  • a hat or two
  • backpack or cross body (something comfortable to carry your essentials at the parks for those who dont have kids)
  • laptop
  • camera(s)
  • memory cards
  • usb cord for uploading pictures
  • disposable camera's for kids
  • disney pins (you can trade pins with the characters)
  • phone charger, lap top charger, camera charger
  • tissues
  • batteries (I still have a camera that takes them)
  • safety pins (always need these when I travel)
  • laundry detergent
  • dryer sheets (good for stinky shoes too!)
  • stain remover
  • large zip lock bags (for wet clothes, dirty diapers or storing snacks drinks etc)
  • liquid hand soap (just easier than using a bar of soap especially with little ones)
  • wrinkle release spray
  • hand sanitizer
  • over the door shoe organizer (mostly for people staying on disney property, the rooms arent very spacious)
  • ear plugs
  • night light (if needed)
Well that should do it! Thanks so much for reading I  know that was a lot!  And like I said, you may not need all of these items they're just some ideas or reminders of what you could bring. I hope this helps you when packing for your trip to Disney and I hope your time there is magical and lots of fun, I know mine will be! Stay tuned for my posts about my trip when I get back, this is the first time going Disney with a blog so I will have lots to show you guys when I get home! Wishing you all a wonderful day talk to you soon!  :) <3 EM

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