Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Greeting everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful and promising new years eve!  I for one am happy that 2012 has finally come to an end. Time to make those faithful new years resolutions we can never keep but tend to use as an excuse for when we find ourselves giving into those cravings. "I'll only eat one brownie… this will be my last cigarette… I'll start working out tomorrow… the list goes on and on. But this year instead of promising myself I'm going to eat better or that I'm going to work out more, I have decided to better my blog, consider it a blog face lift. So to start off the new year right the first thing I've done is changed the name of my blog to Cookies & Couture. I realize this is a big change and its not exactly smiled upon but I wasn't happy with my old one, it felt very immature and unprofessional, I didnt put a lot of thought into it like I should have so it had to go. I am very happy with the new name I've chosen its cute its catchy and I can see myself using it long term. Another thing I will be changing is the design of my blog. Basically I want a more professional looking blog over all. I'll also be making it more user friendly, better navigation, an easier way to comment and just more organized than it has been. So with that being said, my blog is under major construction right now and I wont be posting until its exactly how I picture it in my mind. But I have a bunch of ideas stirring for 2013 and as soon as I get it back up and running I will post all about my Christmas and how surprisingly blessed I was this year, I say surprisingly because I honestly didnt expect anything this year due to losing my job and money being tight. But anyways I just wanted to let you guys in on whats happening with me and the blog and what changes to expect in 2013. Thank you so much to those who continue to read my posts and send me constant support I promise as soon as I get back on my feet with a new job I will pay you all back! Wishing everyone a happy and healthy new year and saying a prayer that this is the best year for you yet, sending you light love and happiness.
xoxo Em

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