Friday, May 31, 2013

My First Shopping Haul Video! :) (Love Culture, Forever 21, Charlotte Russe, Guess)

Hey guys! I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day, I know I did because I got to go on my friends boat which I've been waiting to do for months! It was good to see him and the weather could not have been more gorgeous!

Everyone I'd like you to meet Minnie's boyfrann, Dutch! He is my friend's yorkie and he is the coolest little dog! We took him on the boat with us and he just had the time of his life! I snapped the cutest picture of him napping in my lap on the way back<3

Any who, I mentioned that I was trying to create a shopping haul video in my previous post and I'm happy to report that the upload was successful! But before you watch it I need to point out a few things about the video, one it is my first video so be kind please. No rude or abrasive comments, they will not be tolerated ever. Second, let me go ahead and apologize… I didn't realize how loud the music on my phone was toward the end of the video so it's a little distracting and hard to hear what I'm saying but it's only the very last parts. Also I realize I say the word cute every five-seconds. That wasn't intentional its just one of those words you don't realize you're saying so much such as; like, umm, uhhh lol Luckily none of those words were abused in the making of this film haha. And lastly I realize that I do not look my absolute greatest in this video.  I resemble a school teacher and my nails are less than presentable but in my defense, I wasn't sure if it would actually upload and follow through with the whole process. But hopefully my glasses and scarce make up wont scare you away lol. However this is just a one time thing and my next video I will be and look more prepared for filming.


I didn't realize it was going to be so short I honestly thought it was going to be more than ten minutes because of how much I talkkk lol But like I said, it's my first video and I'm still trying to get a hang of it my videos in the future will be better. Well, I hope you found it entertaining, I think it shows my personality to a T as well as my attention span haha. Thanks for watching and please let me know what you think of it and if you would like to see more videos like this or outfit videos or whatever just let me know! Wishing you guys a wonderful weekend and a great friday! XOXO EM<3

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Summer Trends That I Love Right Now: Turbans, White pumps, Bold Stripes OH MY!

Hey guys! I hope your memorial weekend was good and for those of you still celebrating I hope it has been a blast so far! I just got back from Destin today and aside from a really bad Crohn's episode today I had a wonderful time away with my parents. Any who, summer is coming up and yes I know what you're thinking.. "how is summer coming up its already hot as crap outside!" Well, I hate to be technical but Summer doesn't officially start until June. However, that's not stopping the trends from popping up everywhere and I say there's no harm in going ahead and preparing your wardrobe for it either :) So here are some of my favorite trends for summer right now.



Jumpsuits arent really a new trend they've been going in an out of style since the sixties but there's no question about it they are undeniably in this season! I love jumpsuits they are so comfy and you dont need much to complete the outfit. Forget about rummaging through your closet to find that top the goes so well with those skinny jeans, just throw one of these one and you are ready to go! Effortlessly chic with minimal brainstorming now that I like ;) not to mention all the styles, colors, and designs to choose from, I guarantee you will find the one or in my case ones, to fit your style or mood! :) 

Just in case you have no idea where to find one here's some stores that carry them:

 FOREVER 21: Cheapest

LOVE CULTURE: Affordable

ZARA: Pricey


 This is definitely the first time I've seen these worn as a fashion accessory. Maybe I dont get out much or maybe I just havent been looking for them but whatever the case may be they have got my full attention now! I love these little beauties! I first saw it on miss Kourtney and knew I had to have one so I went on ebay (my favorite place to shop) and they had them in all kinds of colors for only $2.95 with $2 shipping! I thought it was just too good to pass up so I bought one in white and I'm so excited to see what outfits look cute with it, pictures coming soon! :)


This is what I like to call a yoyo trend it might not be whats hot one year but next year it could be all the rage. One thing is for sure though, it will never be acceptable to wear them after labor day so dont even try it! Haha honestly I do and I may get stares but hey if the shoe makes you feel fabulous.. rock that b***h! :)


This has to be one of my most worn trends I love stripes!  I have about ten striped maxis, a striped maxi skirt, striped shorts you get the picture lol And this season the bolder the better! Black and white is classic but if you are feeling adventurous try going with bright color combinations.


Another trend I'm seeing everywhere is the flower halo's. I honestly love this look its very bohemian yet feminine so its not too far out of my comfort zone. If you're like me and get bored with wearing your hair down this perfect for you! It adds instant chicness to any look! I tried finding these on ebay but honestly you will save money by pulling a DYI might do a post on that soon! 

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it and hopefully found it informative. I'm sorry it took a couple more days than I had hoped to post this one but I came across some difficulties while trying to post it. I had it all typed up and ready go so I could just publish it from my phone but it never updated the current one like I thought and only after posting it did I realize the old content so I just deleted it without thinking thus deleting all the content I was going to keep as well as the whole existence of the post. So I ended up having to rewrite it and now here we are lol Whew! thought I'd never get through that explanation haha.

But any ways these are just some of the trends we'll be seeing in summer I assure you there will be lots more but these are just the ones I know I'll be sporting :) I would love to hear about or even see some of the trends you're rocking so feel free to send me pictures sporting your favorite summer trends and I'll spot light you personally on my blog! :)
Also, I know I told you guys about my shopping haul post coming up and it still is but I'm actually trying to make a video of it instead of a written post. I tried this last year and it did not work out because I had the wrong format but this time I have a macbook and I movie maker so we shall see how it goes. I'll be sure to keep you updated on it though! Well I think I've chattered enough for all of us now haha I hope you have a great week and please let us not forget the true meaning of tomorrow, its not just an excuse to have a cook out and get drunk lol Give thanks and keep our veterans, troops and their families in your thoughts as well as your hearts. Happy Memorial day weekend everyone! 
Send your pictures to 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

OOTD and OOTN Details and Some Pictures From My Trip :)

Hey lovelies! I hope life is treating you well! I'm still trying to adjust to being back home and getting up early for work instead of sleeping in and waking up for the parks and it is NOT easy. lol I just wish my trip was yet to begin instead of already being over :( Oh well I have enough good memories and pictures to last me until next year so thank goodness for that! Any who I wanted to give you guys a breakdown of the outfits I wore while I was there and also show you some of my favorite pictures from the trip. I cant post them all because theres over a hundred so I'll just share some of my favorites :)


This is what I wore to the Magic Kindgom, which was our first day in Disney. Some might think its not very conventional for Disney World but I like to make a statement and I assure you I was very comfortable throughout the whole day :) Shirt from Forever 21, sequined shorts from Charlotte Russe (btw very hard to find some in the summer time), sandals from Rampage, sunnies by D&G, necklace from Charming Charlie, bracelet from Charlotte Russe

This is what I wore on our second day to Epcot. It's inspired by an outfit I saw Kim K wearing except she paired it with heels and a denim jacket which I wish I would have remembered my denim jacket because it turned out to be chilly this night but other than that I was pretty comfy. Top from Old Navy, Maxi skirt from ebay and altered by Christie's Alterations, belt and necklace from Charlotte Russe, ring from Charming Charlie, earrings from Forever 21, gold cuff from Body Central, shoes from Ross and sunnies by Tory Burch

Wednesday was a shopping day so I wanted to wear something comfy and easy to change in and out of because I knew I'd be trying on a lot of clothes. I cant tell you how easy this was to change out of and back into because all I had to take off was my skirt! I highly suggest an outfit like this when shopping :)  Leopard bralette from ebay, maxi skirt from Tjmaxx, gold plate necklace from ebay, gold cuff from Body Central, sunnies by Tory Burch and bag by Michael Kors.

This was my outfit for Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios. We got a hopper because there's not much to do at Animal Kingdom so you can't really make a day of it. I love this dress! It is probably the most comfiest maxi I've ever worn and I love the slit on the side. Dress from Love Culture, bandeau from Charlotte Russe, necklace from Belk, gold cuff from Body Central, fedora from walmart.. yep! and my shoes are from Ross.

And the last outfit of the day is my floral lace look. We had an extra park hopper on our tickets so we decided to go back to the Magic Kingdom and Epcot to do the things we missed but honestly we were so worn out and sore we didn't really get to do even half of the things we missed lol. Top from Tjmaxx, shorts from ebay, shoes, ring and bangles from Charlotte Russe,  earrings from Private Gallery, necklace by Guess, sunnies by Tory Burch. Band aid by... just kidding ;)


And last but not least my birthday outfit! I wanted something fitting and different from what I usually wear and this dress nailed it for me! Dress from Ebay, clutch from Tjmaxx, ring from Charlotte Russe, shoes from Guess

Close up of my nails done by Fierce Fingers by Heather in Pensacola Florida. I didn't want to over do it because I did that the year before with my princess nails but I wanted them to have some kind of Disney theme to them and this is what she designed for me. my favorite part is the castle and if you're wondering how its the cinderella castle, its not lol its the old school castle from the Disney movies most of us grew up watching. I loved them!


What a beauty!!!

Epcot outside the butterfly exhibit  

Typhoon Lagoon

walking through Downtown Disney after dinner at Planet Hollywood

Such a special night at Epcot! We got to be apart of a beautiful proposal it was a wonderful experience!

Having a drink at the awesome octopus bar in the T-Rex restaurant

Tree of Life at the Animal Kingdom

My crew

Snow White soo pretty!

she's my favorite! Next to Minnie of course! lol


oh heyy boyfrann<3

just visiting good O' Canada 

Found Belle!

Ariel's Castle!

waiting for our delicious lunch at the Magic Kingdom :)

inside T-Rex

night time wishes<3

Thank you so much for reading! Stay tuned for my shopping haul post coming up soon! Wishing you guys a wonderful rest of the weekend and reminding you to always listen to your heart and follow your dreams! XOXO Em

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Packing for Disney :)

Hey guys! It's been awhile and I apologize for that but I have been so busy with work and getting things ready for my trip while still making time to hold onto commitments made to friends so blogging has been the very last thing on my to do list and it is quite a list. Any ways, I wanted to do a post on what to pack for Disney and instead of using pictures, because lets face it that would take forever! .. I'm just going to make this a checklist. Like I said in my last post, this isnt my first rodeo when it comes to Disney I have been many times but I still have to make detailed check lists and I mean DETAILED. If I could sum up my myself in two words it'd be list maker, I make them all day everyday. However I'm not going to post my version because I want this one to be user friendly. Now, lets get started! So we all know the essentials such as clothes shoes under garments but what about the things we over look or just don't think to bring? Well, no worries I have remembered it for you! You may not need all of this but its just to give you some ideas if you're racking your brain on what to bring or to remind you of some items you might've overlooked. Feel free to copy or print this out for your trip to Disney :)



  • Magic Kingdom outfit
  • Epcot outfit
  • Hollywood Studios outfit
  • Animal Kingdom outfit (keep in mind that this is the hottest park as well as wettest so make sure to pack an outfit that is going to keep you as cool as possible but something you dont mind getting dirty or wet)
  • a dressy outfit for dinner or a night out in downtown Disney
  •  a set of workout clothes (in case the place you're staying at has a gym)
  • at least 2 sets of pjs
  • at least two swim suits and a cover up, (its just polite when coming and going from the hotels)
  • Underwear: depending on how long youre staying and if you have a washer and dryer available, I'd pack at least 5 pairs of underwear for each person going, I'm weird and like to change mine a lot so I packed 12 pairs lol 
  • robe (if needed)
  • Bras: I always bring two regular, one sports bra and one strapless just in case you bring or buy something that needs to be worn with a strapless
  • a track suit or warm up suit just in case the weather is colder at night (you never know! its going to be in the high 80's during the day but in the sixties at night while we are there)
  • a pair of flip flops
  • comfy sandals to walk around the parks in (this is optional if you are like me and cant walk around all day in sneakers or tennis shoes)
  • dressy shoes for dinner or a night out in downtown disney
  • a pair of sneakers (mine are only for working out in)
  • a couple pairs of socks 
  • belt (cant tell you how many times I needed one of these and didnt bring one!)
  • jewelry

  • Straightner, hair dryer, curling iron etc
  • hair brush
  • hair ties and bobby pins
  • hairspray
  • hair brush
  • dry shampoo
  • shampoo and conditioner
  • body wash
  • face wash
  • make up
  • make up remover
  • Deodorant (please dont forget this!)
  • razors
  • shaving cream
  • tooth paste and toothbrush
  • dental floss
  • chap stick preferably one with sunscreen in it (another must for me!)
  • perfume
  • Body lotion (I love the new Vaseline spray and go so quick easy and leaves your skin feeling smooth and moisturized not to mention its fun!)
  • eye mask (if needed, its a must for me!)
  • contact case and solution (if you wear them) 
  • nail clippers
  • nail file
  • nail polish *optional* (I like changing the color on my toes but its good to bring for any chips or needed touch ups)
  • nail polish remover
  • tweezers          

  • bottles
  • regular diapers
  • swim diapers
  • baby wipes
  • baby food
  • sippy cups
  • blanket/toy
  • bibs
  • diaper bag
  • pack n' play (available in WDW resort rooms by request)
  • stroller
  • car seat
  • car window shades (if you dont already have them in your car)
  •  Disney toys (I suggest you go to walmart or target and load them up on disney toys and take them around to the parks with you because you are not going to want to buy them while in Disney so expensive!)
  • a couple extra outfits in case of accidents while in the parks
  • pre bought costumes
  • hats
  • toothbrushes
  • kids toothpaste
  • shampoo and conditioner
  • body wash 
  • insulated cooler (to keep formula, baby food cool)
  • pacifier and pacifier holder

  • bottled water
  • coffee
  • sugar/sweetner
  • tea bags
  • creamer (non dairy if you don't have a fridge in your room)
  • juice boxes
  • microwave popcorn
  • granola bars
  • cookies
  • on the go snack packs
  • tv dinners (only if you have a fridge in your room)
  • microwaved breakfast items (only if you have a fridge in your room)
  • chips/pretzels
  • portion sized cereal boxes
  • milk (only if you have a fridge in your room)
  • pop tarts
  • sandwich meats (only if you have a fridge in your room)
  • bread
  • peanut butter and jelly
  • travel salt & pepper
  • dish soap (for kitchenettes and condos only)
  • dish sponge (for kitchenettes and condos only)
  • paper plates
  • paper towels
  • plastic utensils
  • plastic cups
  • sandwich size zip lock bags
  • trash bags
  • tea pitcher (optional)
  • coffee maker
  • coffee filters
  • a couple coffee cups
  • gum
  • corkscrew and wine stopper (optional)

  • GPS/directions/map
  • proof of auto insurance
  • guidebooks
  • flashlight
  • wet wipes
  • paper towels
  • portable cooler
  • trash bags
  • umbrellas
  • snacks
  • drinks with a screw on top or small juice boxes
  • pillows
  • blankets
  • portable DVD player (if your vehicle doesnt have one)
  • headphones
  • DVDS
  • books, magazines
  • coloring books
  • crayons
  • Cd's or iPod
  • dramamine (for car sickness)

  • hotel confirmation
  • rental car confirmation (if you have one)
  • boarding passes (if you need them)
  • cash/ credit cards
  • dollar bills for tips and tolls
  • drivers license
  • notepad
  • insurance cards
  • guidebooks
  • membership cards (AAA, DVC)
  • theme park tickets (take pictures of them with your phone incase you happen to lose them)
  • pens

  • prescription medications
  • mole skin (for blisters)
  • Band- Aids
  • anti biotic ointment
  • anti itch gel
  • aloe vera
  • sunscreen for face and body
  • antacids
  • birth control (if needed)
  • pain medicine
  • kids pain medicine
  • dramamine
  • midol (if needed)
  • sinus/ allergy medicine
  • vitamins
  • cough drops
  • eye drops
  • pepto bismal tablets
  • insect repellant

  • theme park tickets
  • drivers license for each adult
  • cash/ credit cards
  • membership cards
  • meal confirmation numbers
  • guidebooks
  • park maps
  • cameras 
  • cell phones
  • a couple bottles of water (refill as you go)
  • non perishable snacks
  • autograph book
  • 1 towel (to block the sun or save a spot at parade or clean off seat)
  • mini first aid kit
  • pen for getting autographs
  • rain ponchos or umbrellas
  • mister fan & extra batteries (great for the kiddos)
  • mole skin
  • pain medicine
  • sunscreen
  • chap stick
  • insect repellant
  • hand sanitizer
  • wet wipes
  • large zip lock bags (for wet clothes)
  • dry change of clothes for the kiddos
  • glow sticks (for the kids at night parades)
  • pennies for pressing (optional)
  • small bottle of bubbles (for waiting in lines or at parades)
  • deodorant
  • body spray
  • hair ties
  • bobby pins
  • safety pins
  • extra pair of shoes
  • swimsuits for the kids
  • dramamine or sea bands ( for motion sickness)
  • antacids
  • pepto bismal tablets (for upset tummies)
  • pins for trading
  • kids ID tags
  • hats
  • fast passes (again take pics in case you lose them)
  • candy

  • at least two pairs of sunglasses (never know when you might lose or break one)
  • a hat or two
  • backpack or cross body (something comfortable to carry your essentials at the parks for those who dont have kids)
  • laptop
  • camera(s)
  • memory cards
  • usb cord for uploading pictures
  • disposable camera's for kids
  • disney pins (you can trade pins with the characters)
  • phone charger, lap top charger, camera charger
  • tissues
  • batteries (I still have a camera that takes them)
  • safety pins (always need these when I travel)
  • laundry detergent
  • dryer sheets (good for stinky shoes too!)
  • stain remover
  • large zip lock bags (for wet clothes, dirty diapers or storing snacks drinks etc)
  • liquid hand soap (just easier than using a bar of soap especially with little ones)
  • wrinkle release spray
  • hand sanitizer
  • over the door shoe organizer (mostly for people staying on disney property, the rooms arent very spacious)
  • ear plugs
  • night light (if needed)
Well that should do it! Thanks so much for reading I  know that was a lot!  And like I said, you may not need all of these items they're just some ideas or reminders of what you could bring. I hope this helps you when packing for your trip to Disney and I hope your time there is magical and lots of fun, I know mine will be! Stay tuned for my posts about my trip when I get back, this is the first time going Disney with a blog so I will have lots to show you guys when I get home! Wishing you all a wonderful day talk to you soon!  :) <3 EM